
A major goal of the PowSyBl project is to make it easy to connect to different solvers for grid simulation. Currently, four types of simulations are supported: load flow, security analysis, time-domain simulation, and sensitivity analysis. For each of these, one or more simulators are officially supported, but it is also possible to plug your own simulator into the framework. Below is a description of the different simulation types and supported solvers.

Load flow
Compute the flow of electric power in an interconnected system in normal steady-state operation.
Security analysis
Detect security violations on a network for a list of contingencies. This simulation can be done with or without remedial actions.
Time domain simulation
Capture the transient response of the system, with or without events activations.
Sensitivity analysis
Compute the linearized impact of small network variations on the state variables of some components.
Metrix simulation
Compute optimal power load flow on a range of time series mapped on network variants.
Flow decomposition
Compute for each network element a decomposition of the active flow into different parts (loop flows, allocated flows,...)
Short circuit analysis
Compute the impact on a network of the abnormal connection of two nodes.
Remedial Action Optimizer
Optimize remedial actions in the network in order to relieve operational limits violations.